If you've been following Christie's Take on Life for any amount of time, you'd surely know by now that I'm a major lover of Instagram! It's the perfect outlet for posting inspiration and little snippets of life, and seeing what my favourite bloggers and friends are up to.
There are so many times that my Instagram posts never make it to my blog, and that's a damn shame because I consider myself to be quite the photographer..
..Not really, but it's a shame nonetheless!
Instalife over the past month looked something like this:
Oh look. Food. What a rare occurrence on Christie's Instagram. *insert eye roll emoji here* For reals, though. These blueberry pancakes were to die for.
Every morning of my mini holiday started like this, I holidayed right.
Such a gorgeous view to wake up to every morning.
I felt just the right amount of hipster sipping my matcha latte. If you are ever to see my Jesse on the street, be sure to offer him a matcha latte. He loves them. Also be sure to spell his name Jessie. He loves that too.
I love finding pretty new feeds to follow on Instagram; leave your account deets in the comments, or come find me: @christieee__x!