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Monday, September 5, 2016

August Look Back and September Goals.

A look back at August's goals:

Book my car in for a service
"You know when you're trying really hard to save money, and THAT'S when everything comes up? Welcome to my life for the past few months. I discovered just today that my beloved car is due for its next service. Yay, life."
Tick: It really wasn't as expensive as I anticipated it to be, and my baby runs so much smoother now.

Fix my rear bumper
"Further to my statement above, some wonderful fellow citizen of the world decided to leave my car with a some beautiful decorations permanently indented in to it. AKA some ass drove into my car in a parking lot and bailed. It's bugging the shit out of me - time for a new one.
P.S. I hate all humans."
Tick: This has truly soothed my soul. Also not as expensive as I anticipated. Ka-ching.

Complete the Event Concepts unit
"I'm part way through this particular unit, and it's a biggie. Though big, it's actually a fun one (!!!), so I definitely want to get this whole unit submitted come September."
Tick: This is what I'm most proud of achieving last month. I worked my butt off, and it paid off (ohai, passing with honours).

Clean the fish tank
"I'm a terrible mother and should never be in charge of life. But I am. AND my fish have all (somehow) lived for over a year now, thank you very much. But.. their tank is disgusting. More than disgusting. And I've been putting cleaning it off for months now. Terrible."
Tick: 80 litres of pure, unadulterated fun.

I don't mean to alarm you, but for the first time ever, I SUCCESSFULLY DID ALL THE THINGS! I have finally adulted.

Goals for September:
I'm keeping my goals short and sweet this month due to the busy nature of this upcoming month.

Create a Pinterest board for the blog
I've read more and more posts recently about the benefits of having a blog Pinterest board. It's something I've been meaning to do for a while, I've just never been overly bothered with the re-taking of "pinable" images, fixing old content, yadda yadda yadda. The benefits, though, are well worth the time.

Lose 3kg
I haven't been doing too well with my weight loss journey lately. I exercise regularly, but then I go ahead and eat all crappy foods. Counterproductive. I really want to focus on my eating this month, and lose at least 3kg before my birthday celebration (October 15).

De-stress as much a possible
September promises to be a hectic month for me. On top of my full-time job, I have birthdays, course workshops, work experience and commitments galore. As someone who handles stress horrendously, I need to take as much relaxation time, just Jesse and I, as I can.

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