I've been thinking a lot about true friendships lately.
I've come in to the new year with a whole different perspective on what I thought to be my true friendships and I really think that 2016 is going to be the year that I discover just who my true friends are. Because I've discovered that having a falling-out isn't the only way you can loose a best friend..
I've come in to the new year with a whole different perspective on what I thought to be my true friendships and I really think that 2016 is going to be the year that I discover just who my true friends are. Because I've discovered that having a falling-out isn't the only way you can loose a best friend..
See, some people have come in to my life that have made me question everything about the relationship I have with the person I've called a true friend for all these years. These people have treated me in a way that has made me realise that someone who stays in touch so long as we are in close proximity, someone who will only message me because they're bored or need something after months of no contact, someone who rarely makes the effort is not a best friend. What I thought was a true friendship, really wasn't a true friendship at all. As it turns out, a best friend can also be lost through a lack of effort.

I've unexpectedly stumbled upon a true friend. Someone who makes the effort to contact me almost daily. Someone who asks how I am, and is genuinely interested in how different aspects of my life are going. Someone who constantly sends me silly little messages throughout the day that let me know they're thinking of me, someone who pushes and inspires me to be the best possible version of myself. In the short time our relationship has had to blossom, they have seen me through tough times and picked me up when I needed it, they have listened to my worries, they have cheered for my accomplishments. This is a true friendship, and I didn't realise I needed that type of person in my life until I had it.
I guess it's been one of those happy-sad realisations. Just because you called someone your best friend in high school doesn't mean they will have that title for the rest of your life. It's okay to let go of those around you who no longer lift you up and make you strive to be a better person.
We all need that one close friendship with someone who can make us laugh when all we want to do is cry, who is unconditionally there for us, who will listen to your rant about the latest fight you've had with your boyfriend/family/boss/stranger on the train/world. Because that is what true friends do for each other.
We all need that one close friendship with someone who can make us laugh when all we want to do is cry, who is unconditionally there for us, who will listen to your rant about the latest fight you've had with your boyfriend/family/boss/stranger on the train/world. Because that is what true friends do for each other.
Having a true friend is a wonderful thing. I was blessed with a few true friends and I am thankful for them everyday!
ReplyDeleteI agree. I have found that friendships are like waves...at certain points in your life different people are your strongest friends and then they move back and maybe they are still in your life but not in the forefront like they once were and others move into your life and help you at that stage.
ReplyDeleteHaving a true friend is definitely a blessing. As I get older I'm starting to have many of the same realizations as you. People I thought would be in my life are now a distant memory of fun times had. I am so glad to have figure out which girls I can call on at any time of the day!
ReplyDeleteThose friends are hard to come by and can pop up in the most unexpected places! Love this post!
ReplyDeletexo, alice / T Y P E N U
The older I get the harder it seems to find true friends. Often times I feel more connected to the friends i've made through blogging than I do my real life friends. I think with social media, it makes it even harder because people can look you up and think "Oh, she seems really nice now. I want to be friends." True friends aren't necessarily the ones you've known the longest, they're the ones who come into your life and never leave though.
ReplyDeleteYou are truly lucky. :) c
ReplyDeleteThis x100!
ReplyDeleteYou've absolutely hit the nail on the head! x
It can be sad, but thinking of the positives that come with surrounding yourself with people you can rely on quickly override that sadness. x
ReplyDeleteI agree with you 10,000% It definitely get harder as we get older, and I find the common interest of blogging makes it easier to connect with the blogging community, but I've discovered that I personally need that one real-life person by my side. x
ReplyDeleteWe are only blessed with a few true friends in our lifetime, but when you find them it's awesome! Great post :)
ReplyDeleteKate | themintedblog.com
Thank you. It was definitely a surprise. :) x
ReplyDeleteSometimes a friend can become closer than family, I am so happy you've found one!
ReplyDeleteThis is a great post, and you are so right. I struggled with true friendships up until about 3 years ago, when I met some amazing ladies that I know are my true friends. Very uplifting and truly cheering for me, unlike most of the friendships I have had in the past. Good for you for recognizing it!
ReplyDeleteI couldn't have said it better myself. :)
ReplyDeleteThanks for stopping by. x
I completely agree. I'm not too close with my family, so having that one friend I can rely on is super important to me. x
ReplyDeleteThanks, Miranda.
ReplyDeleteI'm so glad you found that special group you can call your true friends. :) x
I completely agree with this. People come and go in your life and it's those that stick around that are the true friends. It is sad when you lose someone, I try and think about the good things that person has brought into your life even if it was a short time. Chin up though! Hold on to the good 'uns 😀
ReplyDeleteFiguring out true friendships is honestly a very eye-opening thing. Learning that friendships come and go was one of the hardest things I realized after high school, as well as that the true friends are the ones that will make the effort and bring the best out of you. I feel like I'm at one of those points where I'm trying to find those genuine friends again, but there is no better feeling than having a friend who is always there for you and someone you care about a lot as well :)
ReplyDeleteExactly. :) It's pretty sad to lose someone you've been friends with for a long time, but we all need someone who will be there for us no matter what. I'll still definitely look back fondly on all the good times, though. :) x
ReplyDeleteThis sums up my year so far perfectly! I think I now know who really is a true friend, and who is more of an "acquaintance" nowadays. I'm glad I've figured it out, now I can focus on nurturing the friendships that are worth it. I hope you find out who the genuine friends in your life are! They're the good ones. :) x