This was such a fun read! I basically devoured it in a week's worth of lunch breaks. A cross between Sex in the City and Bridget Jones, Bryony finds herself fumbling (and fucking up) her way through her twenties, a plot that was all too relatable to me.
This is such an easy-to-read book; I finished it within a 4 lunch breaks. I quickly fell in love with Maddy, a young girl stuck to the confines of her house due to her deadly allergy to the world (literally). An adorable "forbidden love" story which sort of reminded me of The Fault in Our Stars. The book comes complete with diary entries and illustrations, which added to the sense of authenticity and made it seem that much more real to me. Perhaps a little too "teen" for my liking nowadays (when did I start sounding old?) but an unexpected plot twist kept me hooked and I ended up thoroughly enjoying the book.
This, I think, would have to be the only disappointing read of the lot. I actually finished it a while back, but I didn't really know how I felt about it until recently. Sure, it was nice to see what became of Lou A.W. (After Will). I fell in love with her dorky personality in Me Before You, I just don't feel as though the sequel was strong enough.. Or needed. The grief portrayed in many scenes did still manage to hit me in the feels, but nothing comparable to it's predecessor (which left me in tears in the middle of a park like a weirdo). It's probably not right to judge this book based off on Me Before You, because at the end of the day, this isn't Me Before You, I was just left feeling somewhat disappointed upon finishing it.
How to be Parisian Wherever You Are
Every woman and her dentist are talking about How to be Parisian Wherever You Are, and I don't know what I was expecting from this book, but whatever I got wasn't it. In all honesty, I brought it as a pretty coffee table/Instagram prop but upon actually reading it, I found it to be a lighthearted and quite funny. If you don't take it too seriously, it truly is a fun satirical read.
What have you read lately?
How to be Parisian Wherever You Are
Every woman and her dentist are talking about How to be Parisian Wherever You Are, and I don't know what I was expecting from this book, but whatever I got wasn't it. In all honesty, I brought it as a pretty coffee table/Instagram prop but upon actually reading it, I found it to be a lighthearted and quite funny. If you don't take it too seriously, it truly is a fun satirical read.
What have you read lately?
These sound like some great reads and they made for a really pretty picture! I feel like the only person in the world who hasn't read Me Before You!!!
ReplyDeleteI agree with you about After You. Totally not needed. And I just put Everything, Everything on my list!
ReplyDeleteThe Wrong Knickers sounds like a great fun read and something I probably would wiz through reading.
ReplyDelete"Everything, everything" sounds good! I've heard the same thing about "After You" from a lot of people.
ReplyDeleteAlix | www.apintsizedlife.com
I think many people agree with us on that one aha. It was nice seeing what became of Lou buuuuttttt, it just didn't deliver. Ooh! Let me know what you think once you've read Everything, Everything. :) x
ReplyDeleteLESLIE! You're letting me down ahahaha. <3 Get on to Me Before You. Drop everything. :P Don't bother with After You, though aha. x
ReplyDeleteIt's definitely an amusing read. I highly recommend. :P x
ReplyDeleteYeah, I think these comments are pretty popular opinion among Me Before You fans. Everything, Everything, though, I definitely would recommend. :) x
ReplyDeleteAfter You was at the top of my to read pile until I started reading the reviews. I loved Me Before You! I don't know if I want to read After You because I don't want to ruin the magic and all of the feels of the story!
ReplyDeleteExcellent book choices! I love Jojo Moyes reads!
ReplyDeleteI ugly cried my way through Me Before You and have hesitated to pick up any other JoJo Moyes books since. Sounds like I would like The Wrong Knickers!
ReplyDeleteI heard similar things about After You. Bummer. I will have to add these others to my list though!
ReplyDeleteAfter You is the only book here that I have read, although I did enjoy it I do agree with you on all the points you made, and it's definitely not as good as Me Before You!
ReplyDeleteKez | acaciasdreams.com
Aww. I definitely was let down but I still think it's worth the read, even if only to see what becomes of Lou and her family. x
ReplyDeleteShe's got some amazing titles under her belt. :) x
ReplyDeleteAhahhaah yesss! You're definitely ending it on a high note, finishing with Me Before You. After You is still worth a read, just to see what became of Lou. Nothing beats Me Before You, though. x
ReplyDeleteDefinitely do! Let me know what you think. :) x
ReplyDeleteRight? It was nice to see what became of Lou and her family, buuuutttt.. meh. x
ReplyDeleteSome of these sound like great reads! I'm guilty of buying books with pretty covers to use them as decoration versus reading them
ReplyDeleteA woman after my own heart. :P x