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Saturday, December 24, 2016

Merry Christmas + My Favourite Posts of 2016.

And just like that, we're at the tail end of the year, scratching our heads and thinking 'what the fuck happened to 2016?' I think we can all agree that it absolutely flew by. This will be my last post of 2016, and I just wanted to say a quick Merry Christmas and a huge thank you to all of my readers. Of all the little spaces on the internet, you've chosen to become a part of mine, and I truly appreciate every single one of you, from the regular commenters, to the silent lurkers (yes, I see you too). I feel as though I've grown so much as a both a blogger and a person over the space of a year and I'm so glad to have the friendly and supportive community of readers that I do.

Enjoy the last few days of 2016, all. It’s been quite an incredible year for me; I've grown in so many different ways and I reached goals that I'd only ever dreamed were possible. I look forward to contentedly closing this chapter and reaching even higher in the new year for an even more remarkable 2017.

I'll be back in full force come mid(ish) January 2017. Until then, I wish you all a very Merry Christmas, and a safe and happy new year.

An infinite amount of love,

If you're concerned that you'll miss me too much over the holiday break (I would miss me, too *insert sassy emoji here*), here are my favourite posts of 2016 to fill the void that my absence will leave in your collective hearts:

Christmas LUSH haul

watermelon 'ice'

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