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Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Summer Christmas Themed Date Ideas.

Australian Edition.

And by Australian edition, I mean Any-Country-Where-Christmas-Is-In-Summer Edition.
Because we don't get snow, we don't get to cuddle by the fire and we sure as hell don't get to wear cosy sweaters. No, Sir. Instead, we get temperatures upwards of 35 degrees Celsius, a bad case of heatstroke and a hangover to boot. But! Just because it's hotter than the third level of hell come December, doesn't mean that we can't do cute and festive couple-y things in the lead up to Christmas, right, guys? RIGHT?!

Below is a list of a few of my personal favourite fun (and cheap) Christmas date ideas appropriate for the Summer months:

Will you be doing any of these with your partner this Christmas season? What are your traditions? I'd love to know!

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