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Sunday, December 4, 2016

November Look Back and December Goals.

A look back at November's goals:

Plan blogging schedule for the rest of the year
"My September and October were hectic and my poor little blog had to take a back seat for a while, but now that I have all this time freed up, I can (hopefully) begin posting 2-3 times a week again. I have so many ideas floating around in my head that I wanted to post over the past few months, but didn't have the time for all the writing, photo taking and editing, proof reading, yadda yadda yadda. I really want to sit down and sort out my content schedule for the rest of the year before the holiday season gobbles up my 2016."
Tick: I'm so very surprised, yet so very proud that my "leave-it-to-the-last-minute self actually planned all of December's content and drafted about 90%.

Christmas presents 
"I'm a terrible gift buyer. I panic, I cry, and I end up with a bunch of totally random knick-knacks for everyone that are in no way what they want nor need. I want to have a proper plan of my Christmas gifts this year and at least have an idea of what gifts I'm getting everyone (10 points to Gryffindor if I physically have said gifts on my person and ready to give)."
Tick: I really didn't have high hopes for this one, BUT it turns out that I've physically brought Jesse's present, and have figured out exactly what to get my mum and my best friend. Yay me.

Create a Christie's Take on Life board on Pinterest
"I don't know how many times that I've made this a goal and failed miserably, but I'm hoping that with my freed-up-time, I'll finally get around to updating old posts with "pinable" images and creating this damned board."
Tick: HOLY SHIT YOU GUYS AFTER A WHOLE YEAR OF PUTTING IT OFF I FINALLY CREATED A DAMN BOARD. Sure, it's pretty lackluster at this stage - about 95% of photos need to be retaken and I think I need a serious lesson in SEO, but I did set up rich pins, so that's a thing.

Cook a new dish
"I've been lazy in my cooking lately. By lazy, I mean I haven't cooked a meal for Jesse and I for months. I'm talking months. I'd like to get back in to the kitchen and cook us up newly discovered recipe for dinner at least once this month."
Cross: I'm the most mad because if I'd just gotten off of my ass and cooked a damn meal, I would have completed all of my goals for November. Sigh.

December's Goals:

Meal Prep
I've been taking my fitness super seriously over the past few weeks. I'm exercising like crazy, but it's not doing me any good without a solid meal plan. By the time I've finished work and left the gym, the last thing I want to do is cook a wholesome meal. It's so easy to pick something up on the way home, or heat up an oh-so-nutritious bowl of instant noodles which isn't doing me any favours. I'm dedicated to making Sunday "meal prep day" where I'll create a week's worth of healthy dinners to curb late night eating and 'easy' unhealthy dinners.

Re-take old blog photos
I went though a few of my very old posts whilst attempting the whole Pinterest thing mentioned above, and boy would I'd like to re-take a lot all of my (horrible) blog photos and create pinable images during my five week Christmas break.

Enjoy the holidays without going too far (as usual)
By too far, I mean eating double my weight in food every day for a month. I'm going to enjoy the food, fun and festivities, but I'm still going to attempt to keep it under control. If I can get to the gym even once a week over my break, I'll be a happy girl. 

I've got a whole stash of stuff that I no longer want, use or need and I've been meaning to have a giant Spring clean for such a long time, but I keep putting it off to when I "have more time" (read: when I can be bothered (never)), but there's truly nothing better than starting a new year with a decluttered space and being able to fit Christmas your presents in your damn house.

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