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Monday, December 16, 2013

Santa Hat Cupcakes. :3

I've just realized, I haven't posting anything Christmas-y whatsoever this year.
For shame, Christie. For shame.

 Christmas, for me, is mostly about the food, being from an Italian family and all. We'd drive up to my Nonno & Nonna's house in the morning and stay for a huge lunch, then come home, and have dinner with the immediate family. I make these adorable little cupcakes every year. They take no time at all, taste great, and are the cutest little things I've ever eaten.
I make a batch for family, and bring a batch in to work. They're a huge hit!

Cut the green off of the strawberry and stick a toothpick through it so that there's a little sticking out on each end.

Now stick the strawberry on a lightly frosted cupcake and skewer a mini marshmallow on the top of the strawberry using the toothpick.

Take some whipped cream and make a ring around the strawberry. 
How adorable is that?!
P.S. I'd warn people there are toothpicks in these if I were you...
My brother shoved the whole thing in his mouth once.. It was brutal.
Merry Christmas!

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