Get the front and back yards underway
"You may have read about my aversion to the constant sweeping that I've been doing lately, so it's no surprise that goal numero uno this month is to get a damn yard to cover up all of that sand."
Tick: You have no idea how good it feels to look outside and see something other than sand. To not sweep ninety times a day.
Spend less time fussing about the house
"From the moment I get home until the moment I fall asleep, I'm either unpacking, cleaning, organizing or fussing about the house in some way and Jesse has already complained. What is the point of living together if we can't both enjoy it? I plan on being more present in the time that we do get to spend alone together."
Cross: I tried, I really did. I think that I'll relax more after the house warming (sorry, Jesse).
Get back in to my gym routine
"With all that has been going on, I've been forgoing the gym in favour of getting house-related stuff done before bed, which is understandable, but I've learnt that once I get out of routine, I really get out of routine and it's extremely difficult to motivate myself to start again. The sooner I can get back in to my old routine, the easier it's going to be."
Cross: I wasn't even close to accomplishing this goal. Oops.
Find a Fathers Day present
"Fathers Day falls in September here in Australia, and as the worst present buyer in the world, I need all of the time I can get otherwise it's back to the usual leave-it-too-late-then-panic-the-week-of routine."
Tick: Worst daughter in the world crisis averted.
Goals for September:
Walk more
I had every intention of exploring our new neighbourhood when we first moved in. We're surrounded by parks and there's a nice little café down the road, but two months later and I haven't so much as walked around the block, let alone to the park. With the weather finally starting to warm up (YAY Spring!) I'd definitely like to spend some time walking around my new hood
I've always loved to bake, but I haven't baked something in SO long, you guys. Our spiffy new(ish) oven is just calling for a big ol' cake, or a batch of muffins, or some cookies, or any damn thing. Berries are starting to come in to season, too. There are so many possibilities!
Take more photos
There was a time that my camera was permanently attached to my hand. This hasn't been the case lately. In fact, I can't remember the last time I took a photo of anything (in case you didn't notice how MIA I've been on Instagram recently). I'd definitely like to start capturing moments again, and I'm always down to improve my photography skills whenever I can. Perhaps on these walks.
Meal plan
I'm the kind of person that can't have the same thing for dinner in the same two weeks. This makes dinner pretty difficult now that I'm living out of my parents' house. I usually have a semi-planned weeks worth of meals, but I'd definitely like to get to planning more effectively, preferably before grocery shopping day to avoid it feeling stressful and rushed (as per usual).
What are you hoping to achieve this month?