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Tuesday, August 1, 2017

July Look Back and August 2017 Goals

A look back at July's goals:

Exercise as much as possible
"It's official, y'all, we've got the keys to our freshly built home (!!!) and I've taken two weeks off of work to paint, build furniture, move in, die. I always find that I slack when it comes to going to the gym when I'm out of routine, and if I'm not going to work? Forget about it! Although it may be difficult to get to the gym with all that's going on, I'd still like to make time to exercise in different ways as much as I can."

Cross: I got pretty lazy when it came to exercise last month. After full days of painting, the last thing on my mind was going to the gym. Does painting a house count as exercise?

Spend $0 on food

"I'd say that 90% of my paycheck goes to food. Jesse and I are always (I'm talking always) buying snacks and meals and it's not doing good things to my wallet or to my waistline. Obviously, I'm going to buy groceries, but aside from that, I don't want to spend a single cent on snack-runs or takeaway meals. Home cooking all the way. Pls send halp."

Cross: Yeahno. I didn't have high hopes for this one. I did spend less on food than I usually do, but it was definitely more than $0.

Try 1x New Recipe per week
"I hate spending a lot of time cooking, but I really love the satisfaction I get when I prepare a damn good meal, so I thought that this month would be perfect to try a few recipes that I've found on Pinterest, with all that non-takeout that I plan on buying and all."

Tick: I've tried so many new recipes lately, you guys. All this being forced to cook for ourselves business gave me a push in the right direction for sure.

Find a damn coffee table
"One would think that a freakin' coffee table would be the easiest of things to buy. At least, I did. I have been searching for a coffee table that a) isn't ugly b) isn't expensive AF c) Jesse also likes for months on end and do you think I've been able to find one? Nooooo and the fact that we don't have one annoys me to no end. If there's one piece of furniture I'm determined to buy this month, it's a coffee table."


Goals for August 2017:

Get the front and back yards underway
You may have read about my aversion to the constant sweeping that I've been doing lately, so it's no surprise that goal numero uno this month is to get a damn yard to cover up all of that sand.

Spend less time fussing about the house
From the moment I get home until the moment I fall asleep, I'm either unpacking, cleaning, organizing or fussing about the house in some way and Jesse has already complained. What is the point of living together if we can't both enjoy it? I plan on being more present in the time that we do get to spend alone together.

Get back in to my gym routine
With all that has been going on, I've been forgoing the gym in favour of getting house-related stuff done before bed, which is understandable, but I've learnt that once I get out of routine, I really get out of routine and it's extremely difficult to motivate myself to start again. The sooner I can get back in to my old routine, the easier it's going to be. 

Find a Fathers Day present
Fathers Day falls in September here in Australia, and as the worst present buyer in the world, I need all of the time I can get otherwise it's back to the usual leave-it-too-late-then-panic-the-week-of routine.

What are you hoping to accomplish this month?

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