On January 13, 2014, my life changed for the better. Words can’t describe how grateful I am to have you in my life, dearest Jesse. My best friend, my rock, and my most favourite person in the whole world.
I knew you were something special from the very beginning. You were selfless enough to drive an hour to have lunch with me at work while you had time off, you were understanding enough to overlook my (many) flaws, you were nurturing enough to go above and beyond to take care of me when I was sick, and you were the best damn thing that has ever happened to me. Hands down.
You aren’t perfect, but you're perfect for me. You've sacrificed so much to support my dreams and help me to achieve my goals. You make me smile when I’m feeling down. You've seen me at my worst and stuck by me through it. You catch me every time I'm about to fall. Your dreamer personality teaches my realist self how to be more spontaneous and positive. But most importantly, I just plain enjoy spending all of my time with you. Not once in the 1,095 days that we've spent together have I tired of you, because life is easy when you go through it with your best friend.. That, to me, is true love.
We've shared many wonderful memories as boyfriend and girlfriend over the past three years and despite all of the ups and downs that come with any relationship, I know that you love me inside and out. Happy anniversary, baby. Thank you for being you. I can't wait to begin our new and exciting life chapter.
We've shared many wonderful memories as boyfriend and girlfriend over the past three years and despite all of the ups and downs that come with any relationship, I know that you love me inside and out. Happy anniversary, baby. Thank you for being you. I can't wait to begin our new and exciting life chapter.