Here's your fun Christie fact of the day: I'm not the biggest fan of chocolate (I know, shoot me). The colder weather really makes me crave something warm and comforting. Something reminiscent of hot chocolate.. but without the chocolate. What's a picky girl to do to combat these cravings? She gets all creative and attempts to whip up an alternative. That's what.
Now, this post is actually an updated version of an old one of mine circa 2013 that I'm not even going to link here because that's how embarrassing my writing/photography/life was back then. Shudders. Since one of my recent goals was to re-take old blog photos and give life to the cringe worthy content of my young self, I thought that I'd put my somewhat improved upon blogging skills in to action and share my still favourite Winter warmer recipe. As it turns out, my terrible blogger 2013 self fluked it big time was a genius! I named my masterpiece: Hot Vanilla. I'm sure that this has been done before, but you know that I will be taking all the credit for this particular recipe. My creation contains only four ingredients, is sooo easy to make, and in my opinion, tastes very similar to melted vanilla ice cream. which is never NOT a good thing, amirite?

- 1 cup milk
- 1 1/2 tablespoons sugar
- Pinch of salt (trust me)
- 2 teaspoons vanilla essence or extract
- Pour the milk in to a microwave safe container.
- Add sugar, salt and vanilla essence.
- Stir to dissolve the salt and sugar as best as you can
- Place in the microwave for no more than five minutes on high, watching so the milk doesn't boil over. Story of my life.
- Top up with some cold milk to cool down.
- Add a few marshmallows if you like to party
I've also tried this recipe cold and it's just as good - I swear on my mother's life.

If you do decide to give this recipe a try (DO IT!), definitely let me know what you think!