Seventeen days in to January, HAPPY NEW YEAR!
2013 had been filled with ups and downs. I ended some pretty substantial chapters in my life, and started some a new. I'd had some of the best times, while also dealing with some of the worst. After a miserable last few months, I was more than happy to see the tail end of the year.
Goodbye 2013, you son of a bitch, hellooooo 2014.
I had booked three weeks off from work after Christmas and I'd planned on spending time with friends, shopping, going to the beach, hosting parties, having spa days, going clubbing.
This was not the case.
On Christmas Eve, I woke up with a terribly sore throat. Determined not to let it ruin the festive season, I soldiered on, munching Soothers, skulling OJ, you know the drill. Come Christmas morning, I could barley breathe, let alone speak or even swallow. Do you think I could book an appointment with a doctor who could prescribe me antibiotics for what I thought was Tonsillitis? Of course not, it's Christmas day! After five days of agony, FINALLY! My local GP re-opened, and to my dismay, what I thought was a severe case of Tonsillitis, actually turned out to Glandular Fever. Nuuuu! I was given a ridiculous amount of antibiotics, and sent on my merry way.
I rang in the new year, not at the glamorous party my best friend was throwing, but in bed, watching the 'Saw' chronicles, and drinking warm water from a Martini glass. Damn you, body! You ruined my Christmas, my New Years Eve, AND my three week break!
I spent my whole holiday in bed, and now it's back to the real world.
Back to the bed before 10, wake up at 6, go to work, come home, repeat routine.
You win this round, liver.
After such a shitty start, surely I deserve a great year from here on in?
I will make this my year, I will chase my dreams, I will be happy.
That's a promise.
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