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Thursday, August 25, 2016

Things my Boyfriend Unknowingly Signed Up For Because I'm a Blogger.

This is basically a thank you/I'm sorry post dedicated to my Jesse (hi), who had no idea that I was a blogger when he decided that he wanted to make an honest woman out of this wild beast. In hindsight, I should have alluded to the fact that he would basically become my personal assistant rather than letting him unknowingly stumble in to the role of "blogger boyfriend" but hey! I believe there is a term that goes: Keep them on their toes?

Thank you, Jesse, for:
  • Standing out in the wind/heat/rain/apocalypse for hours on end to get 4-5 decent photos for a fashion post.
  • Ignoring the strange looks from passers-by when standing out in the wind/heat/rain/apocalypse for hours on end to get 4-5 decent photos for said fashion post.
  • Letting me use your Wi-Fi to finish a post when mine's down.
  • Constantly asking me how my blog is going.
  • Taking me to places I want to go to based on their "instagramability".
  • Listening to me ramble on about a beauty product that you couldn't care less about that I'm in the process of reviewing.
  • Waiting to eat your food even though you're starving so I can get a pretty picture of it.
  • Reading my blog every day no matter how boring it may be to you.
  • Never getting mad when you read about yourself; because you will be mentioned, if not the subject, of about 90% of posts.
  • Deciding which of 10 almost identical photos is the best.
  • Letting me drag you to the latest hipster cafe/restaurant/bar I read about on a friend's blog.
  • Not getting (too) annoyed when I take too long to stage and caption a photo for instagram.
  • Stepping in as photographer when I need you to.
  • Playing along when I try to make it look like I thought up the "date" we are on when I'm actually just writing a review/received free tickets.

I can list so many more, but most of all, thank you, Jesse, for being nothing but helpful, loving, and supportive throughout it all; I know I'm a pain-in-the-ass.

Three cheers for the blogger boyfriends, husbands, and significant others out there!

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