A look back at October's goals:
Find something fun to do for Halloween
"Halloween isn't something that is really celebrated here in Australia, but I really do enjoy the idea of it. There are a few events around town that may be fun to
Cross: We had a scary Netflix movie night, but there were no Halloween weekend shenanigans.
Get back in to blogging
Get back in to blogging
"In case you hadn't noticed, I've been pretty incredibly slack when it came to the ol' blog. I was definitely stuck in a blogging rut, but a mini break and a fresh new season have inspired me once again and I'm already starting to draft up new blog posts again."
Cross: In case you hadn't noticed.
Plant the back garden
Cross: In case you hadn't noticed.
Plant the back garden
"Finally laying the grass in the back yard was the best feeling, and I'm super excited to fill up our empty little garden beds with pretty shrubs and plants this month, before it starts to get too hot."
Tick: That fact that I'm at the point in my life where I get excited by a garden makes me feel so old but hey! I now have some pretty plants residing in my backyard, so.. yay for that.
Get back to the gym at least 3 times per week
Tick: That fact that I'm at the point in my life where I get excited by a garden makes me feel so old but hey! I now have some pretty plants residing in my backyard, so.. yay for that.
Get back to the gym at least 3 times per week
"There was a time where I went to the gym 4 days a week, every week, without fail. Ever since I've moved into my own home, I've been seriously slacking in that department (there have been a few weeks where I haven't gone at all). If I can make myself stick to going at least a three times per week, every week this month, I'll be happy."
Cross: I started off the month so well, only to slack off again by week two.
Goals for November:
Practise self-love
Cross: I started off the month so well, only to slack off again by week two.
Goals for November:
Practise self-love
In case you hadn't noticed by my horrid attempt at my goals, October was a pretty shitty month for me. Some things have come to a head and I have realised that I am unhappy in my current state. I need to focus more on myself (something I rarely do) and take some time out to really focus on loving myself again.
Sort out a herb garden
We got a hanging planter kit for our housewarming, which is adorable buuuutttt the kitchen window, which is the place that I want to hang, looks out on to a fence (no drilling) - go figure. I want to figure out a way to get that damn thing on my fence and fill it with all the herbs while the weather is warming up.
We got a hanging planter kit for our housewarming, which is adorable buuuutttt the kitchen window, which is the place that I want to hang, looks out on to a fence (no drilling) - go figure. I want to figure out a way to get that damn thing on my fence and fill it with all the herbs while the weather is warming up.
Spend a day out in the sunshine
I've realized that since moving in to our house I have not spent a single day out in the sun. Yes, the weather has been pretty average, but even on the nice, warm days (we're getting a few of them now) I've found myself sitting inside in the dark like a mushroom. I'd definitely like to spend a day at the beach or at a park, walking around town or exploring somewhere new, getting out of the house, having fun and just enjoying the sunshine.
Photography used to be such a huge part of my life so that fact that I've barely taken any photos recently truly saddens me. The fact that it has been a good 2-3 months since I've posted anything to Instagram is just downright shameful, especially as a blogger. I still scroll through my feed religiously, but I would definitely like to start posting at least somewhat regularly again.
What are you hoping to achieve this month?
Good luck with your goals! I rarely go to the gym, I just try to jog daily. I can't believe it's already November.
ReplyDeleteGreat November goals, girl! They're very intentional, which is something i've been trying to practice more of this year. Spending time out in the sun shine is incredibly good for the soul.
ReplyDeleteI've been in a blogging rut lately too but i'm starting to shake it off and get back in the groove of it. Sometimes we need a break to re-charge. What really helped me, too, was writing out my blogging why.
I look forward to seeing what's to come for you this month!
Self love sounds nice. I don't have a garden but do have some faithful loyal plants in a pot that hang out. A garden would be nice to have but I would felt bade to kill a small area of plants versus one pot here or there. Use hooks for your herbgarden. One hook over the fence the other on your side.
ReplyDeleteI haven't been posting much on IG either. Mostly it was because I was in my first trimester and didn't have much energy to take photos or even get fully dressed for the day. I hope we both do better at it this month!
ReplyDeleteI love these goal posts! And the updates on last months, I’m really thinking about starting my own to hold myself more accountable.
ReplyDeleteI am horrible at keeping up with my goals as well! But at least you continue to keep writing them down! That is more than me! Good luck in November!
ReplyDeleteOh I identify with you on that exercise goal. I need it! Also, constantly having photos for instagram is a task! I burst my brain quite often trying to get enough for each week. So I totally get yah. I hope you meet all your expectations for November!
ReplyDeleteBest wishes with your goals. I hope to complete at least one book. I've been really struggling with my reading lists/goals this year.
ReplyDeleteI always love reading posts like this because it helps get me motivated and excited to look for new goals for the month. I'm with you on instagram, I always loved the photography on there and I feel like I've not been good with that so I want to get back to that as well.
ReplyDeleteI love this - our goals were so similar! I made it the gym four times this week whoo hoo!
ReplyDeleteI see at least one goal this list that needs to be on mine: Get back to the gym! Let's hope we both do better at this in November.
ReplyDeleteThis is such a great idea, lovely goals to get you through Nov too, must try this out
ReplyDeleteAlways inspired to read peoples goals lists! I need to set one myself, especially with the new year approaching. A big one has been getting to the gym. Hard to get motivated to leave the house when it is so cold here!
ReplyDeleteId love to plant an herb garden this month too!
ReplyDeleteIt's nice to look back at the month and see what really happened. Good luck on your goals for November!
ReplyDeleteI love reading other bloggers' goals because they inspire me to write up my own and stay accountable. So happy you were able to scratch so many of your goals.
ReplyDeleteMy goal is to definitely start walking in the mornings. I use to do it and somewhere along the way, I stopped. :( I guess it's hard to stay self-motivated sometimes.
ReplyDeleteI love your goals. These are all things I've been working on for myself as well. It is good to set goals and constantly be trying to improve. Loved it!
ReplyDeleteA word of advice. Start with the garden. It will be so satisfying you'll be set to do the rest too!
ReplyDeleteI don't know why I love reading other peoples goals...I guess it's because its inspires me to set and reach my own. I love the herb garden goal...I have 2 patio pots with rosemary, sage and parsley! Love it!
ReplyDeleteYou have your passion and I'm sure you will hit your target goals! I'm excited for you :)
ReplyDeleteGood luck with your November goals gal! It is necessary to take a break from the social media and blogging to rejuvenate yourself! I'm sure this will boost you to work harder!
ReplyDeleteI can't believe it took me a month to reply and it's pretty much December haha.
ReplyDeleteGood on you, girl! I can't bring myself to run - or even jog haha. I just can't seem to get in to it. x
Being intentional is such a good way to live life - I'm always inspired to see others' practising living in such a way.
ReplyDeleteThe dreaded blogger's rut. I hope you're back on track now, I still haven't entirely re-discovered my feet, but I'm getting there. :) x
Hahaa I feel you there, girl! I'm terrified of killing my entire garden.
ReplyDeleteWe did think about using hooks but if I do that, the herb garden would be at the top of the fence (very high) and we wouldn't be able to see if from the window (or reach it haha). If only we could find some very strong stick hooks to attach it to the middle of the fence. The search continues. x
Hahaha oh man, I think that being in your first trimester (congratulations) is a pretty good excuse for a little Instagram absence. :P x
ReplyDeleteI've definitely found it to be helpful. I find that if I publish my intentions for the month, I'm sosososo much more likely to get things done. I highly recommend doing something similar if you're after a little motivation. :) x
ReplyDeleteAhahaha my logic is: I can't ALWAYS fail, right? ;) x
ReplyDeleteIsn't it just?! I think Instagram stopped being fun for me when I had to plan and wrack my brain for photo ideas - it's exhausting! x
ReplyDeleteThanks, girl. I hope you've been reading up a storm since posting this! If not, you still have about 24 hours to finish a book hehe. ;) x
ReplyDeleteI'm exactly the same, girl. I don't know why, but I find others' goals posts incredibly inspiring. I hope you've been taking plenty of pretty Instagram photos lately. :) x
ReplyDeleteYOU GO, GIRL! xx
ReplyDeleteI hope you've been hitting the gym, Ola. I've admittedly slacked a little, but I still tried aha. Here's to hoping you did better than I. x
ReplyDeleteOh man, goals for the new year are my favourite! I could imagine how difficult it would be go get out when it's so cold - I hope you've tried at least once hehe. x
ReplyDeleteNothing quite like home-grown herbs. Much better than dried shop bought ones. :) x
ReplyDeleteThank you very much. :) x
ReplyDeleteI hear ya there, girl! I'm the same. It's the only way I'm able to stay accountable aha. x
ReplyDeleteI can't even get out of bed in the mornings, let alone go for a walk ahhaa. I admire you for it! I hope you've gotten the chance to walk a couple of times over the month. :) x
ReplyDeleteI find that I'm incredibly un-motivated without proper goal setting aha. I hope you've had some luck with all you wanted to achieve in November. :) x
ReplyDeleteGood advice, Maro! There's something so inspiring about new life in a new garden. :) x
ReplyDeleteHahah I'm the same, Natasha. I always find others' goals so motivating. :)
ReplyDeleteSage! I absolutely love sage! There's nothing better than home-grown herbs. x
Thank you so much, Blair. :) x
ReplyDeleteThank you, Ana. :) You're definitely right - a break has done me a world of good. xx