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Monday, December 4, 2017

November Look Back and December 2017 Goals

A look back at November's goals:

Practise self-love
"In case you hadn't noticed by my horrid attempt at my goals, October was a pretty shitty month for me. Some things have come to a head and I have realised that I am unhappy in my current state. I need to focus more on myself (something I rarely do) and take some time out to really focus on loving myself again."

Cross: Yeahhh, I don't think that I really took the time out to look after myself a whole lot last month (or any month). I did have a bubble bath once, though. Does that count?

Sort out a herb garden
"We got a hanging planter kit for our housewarming, which is adorable buuuutttt the kitchen window, which is the place that I want to hang, looks out on to a fence (no drilling) - go figure. I want to figure out a way to get that damn thing on my fence and fill it with all the herbs while the weather is warming up."

Cross: The search continues.

Spend a day out in the sunshine
"I've realized that since moving in to our house I have not spent a single day out in the sun. Yes, the weather has been pretty average, but even on the nice, warm days (we're getting a few of them now) I've found myself sitting inside in the dark like a mushroom. I'd definitely like to spend a day at the beach or at a park, walking around town or exploring somewhere new, getting out of the house, having fun and just enjoying the sunshine."

Tick: I didn't do any exploring as such, but I did spend a good few days out in the sunshine (and got a nice tan, too).

"Photography used to be such a huge part of my life so that fact that I've barely taken any photos recently truly saddens me. The fact that it has been a good 2-3 months since I've posted anything to Instagram is just downright shameful, especially as a blogger. I still scroll through my feed religiously, but I would definitely like to start posting at least somewhat regularly again."

Tick: I still need to work on the consistency thing, but I managed to upload a few shots over the course of the month.

Goals for December:

Spend less money
I've spent a lot of money that I shouldn't have over the past couple of months. Oops. With my Christmas shopping finished (I KNOW! I've never been so organized!), I have every intention of reining in my spending, even though there are SO MANY things that I want to buy for myself. #TreatYoself.

Get to the gym at least three times a week
I keep setting fitness goals and I keep falling short. December is always the month that I fall off of the fitness train hard, with all the festivities and all. I want this month to be as healthy as it can be, giving me a head start on the new year. Hitting the gym three times a week isn't as often as the four times that I used to commit to, but I think three is realistic over the holiday season.

Visit the city at night.
Perth city is quite magical on a December night; they've put up big, beautiful Christmas light installations, organize free entertainment and events, and of course, the night markets. It's so easy to get in to the Christmas spirit after a stroll through the city on a warm night.

I never was one to really get in to the Christmas spirit. I like Christmas and all, but I've never bought in to the pre-Christmas hype. This year, being the first Christmas living out of home, I think that it's time we made out our little traditions. It might be fun to make a night of putting up the tree, decorating the house, wrapping presents and drinking eggnog. Throw a post-decorating Christmas movie (The Grinch, obviously) and you're set.

Bake something sweet
I have been craving baked apple for weeks now and in the name of cozy Christmas spirit, I think I'd like to make a baked apple-something myself. I'm thinking something like this, or this. Or I could get fancy with this one. I love the way the house smells when I bake, and it would be perfect to snack on as we're doing our Christmas decorating!

What are you hoping to achieve this month?

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