A look back at November's goals:
Practise self-love
"In case you hadn't noticed by my horrid attempt at my goals, October was a pretty shitty month for me. Some things have come to a head and I have realised that I am unhappy in my current state. I need to focus more on myself (something I rarely do) and take some time out to really focus on loving myself again."
Cross: Yeahhh, I don't think that I really took the time out to look after myself a whole lot last month (or any month). I did have a bubble bath once, though. Does that count?
Sort out a herb garden
"We got a hanging planter kit for our housewarming, which is adorable buuuutttt the kitchen window, which is the place that I want to hang, looks out on to a fence (no drilling) - go figure. I want to figure out a way to get that damn thing on my fence and fill it with all the herbs while the weather is warming up."
Cross: The search continues.
Spend a day out in the sunshine
Spend a day out in the sunshine
"I've realized that since moving in to our house I have not spent a single day out in the sun. Yes, the weather has been pretty average, but even on the nice, warm days (we're getting a few of them now) I've found myself sitting inside in the dark like a mushroom. I'd definitely like to spend a day at the beach or at a park, walking around town or exploring somewhere new, getting out of the house, having fun and just enjoying the sunshine."
Tick: I didn't do any exploring as such, but I did spend a good few days out in the sunshine (and got a nice tan, too).
Tick: I still need to work on the consistency thing, but I managed to upload a few shots over the course of the month.
"Photography used to be such a huge part of my life so that fact that I've barely taken any photos recently truly saddens me. The fact that it has been a good 2-3 months since I've posted anything to Instagram is just downright shameful, especially as a blogger. I still scroll through my feed religiously, but I would definitely like to start posting at least somewhat regularly again."
Tick: I still need to work on the consistency thing, but I managed to upload a few shots over the course of the month.
Goals for December:
Spend less money
I've spent a lot of money that I shouldn't have over the past couple of months. Oops. With my Christmas shopping finished (I KNOW! I've never been so organized!), I have every intention of reining in my spending, even though there are SO MANY things that I want to buy for myself. #TreatYoself.
Get to the gym at least three times a week
I keep setting fitness goals and I keep falling short. December is always the month that I fall off of the fitness train hard, with all the festivities and all. I want this month to be as healthy as it can be, giving me a head start on the new year. Hitting the gym three times a week isn't as often as the four times that I used to commit to, but I think three is realistic over the holiday season.
Visit the city at night.
Perth city is quite magical on a December night; they've put up big, beautiful Christmas light installations, organize free entertainment and events, and of course, the night markets. It's so easy to get in to the Christmas spirit after a stroll through the city on a warm night.
I never was one to really get in to the Christmas spirit. I like Christmas and all, but I've never bought in to the pre-Christmas hype. This year, being the first Christmas living out of home, I think that it's time we made out our little traditions. It might be fun to make a night of putting up the tree, decorating the house, wrapping presents and drinking eggnog. Throw a post-decorating Christmas movie (The Grinch, obviously) and you're set.
Bake something sweet
I have been craving baked apple for weeks now and in the name of cozy Christmas spirit, I think I'd like to make a baked apple-something myself. I'm thinking something like this, or this. Or I could get fancy with this one. I love the way the house smells when I bake, and it would be perfect to snack on as we're doing our Christmas decorating!
I need to spend less money, too, which is hard during the holidays! Best of luck with all of your goals x
Good luck with your herb garden, I hate those projects where you know exactly what you want, but you find out that it's just not possible... I'm sure there will be some way to get it where you want it!
ReplyDeleteI still haven't gone to see the Perth City lights at night, I think I need to add this to my to do list too! Xx
Kez | acaciasdreams.com
I would love to start an herb garden. It's hot where I live and the ones I tried in the past didn't do very well.
ReplyDeleteThese are all great goals for this month!! October was a very bad month for me as well. I am working on practicing self care because over the last two months things have just been crazy for me. I too need to spend less money but it's been kind of hard recently. Good luck with your goals this month! I hope things get better for you soon.
ReplyDeleteI need to start writing down my goals for my blog. I'm terrible about doing this. Spend less money is always on my list! Lol
ReplyDeleteI am really interested in seeing your herb planter and seeing what you do with it. I love growing herbs and made a new herb garden this year. Here's a link to mine. http://www.gwingal.com/2017/09/following-the-crowd/
ReplyDeleteI do believe in setting some obtainable goals. And yours are interesting!
:) gwingal
Best wishes with your list! I would love to get a photo shoot in. I always make excuses...sure my tripod would do the trick.
ReplyDeleteThese are great goals to have. I especially like the goal of spending less money and getting to the gym.
ReplyDeleteA day in the sunshine! I live in California but can go a whole day without leaving the house. WHY? I'm going to try harder at this. Even if I step out into the garden to take a phone call!
ReplyDeleteIt gives me smile reason your tip #2.
ReplyDeleteGosh I miss that! Walking in the sunshine and not rushing and just admiring the nature's beauty. It gives me instant boost!
Hey gorgeous! You did well and yes, your one bubble does count! Make sure you take good care of yourself, you deserve it! Now, go hit the gym ;)
ReplyDeleteMy goal is to always spend less to. Then I go out and about as Buy all the things lol.....
ReplyDeleteI've been in the baking mood as well! It really is the perfect time of year for some warm, comforting pies. :)
ReplyDeleteI love looking at where I have come and what goals I want to achieve. All of yours are such great goals and I wish you the best in them all.
ReplyDeleteLove yourself... Take self care.... must be there on each month's checklist.... it should be one of the biggest priorities... Also love and take care of your family and friends.... love oneself but don't be selfish....
ReplyDeleteAha you understand my struggle, girl. I'm sure there's a way to do it.
ReplyDeleteI haven't been to look at the lights yet, either. :( Come be my date, my actual date is never bothered to take me ahaha. xx
Thanks, pretty. :) It's definitely a mission not to spend too much over December. It's definitely doable but I'll admit, I don't think I'm doing too well so far haha. x
ReplyDeleteWriting your goals down is definitely a great way to motivate yourself to get things done. Hahaha I feel like I should have a perpetual list floating around that just says "don't spend that money!". x
ReplyDeleteAww thank you, Mistle! I hope you're practicing self care over there! Don't make me force you in to a bubble bath. That might defeat the "relaxing" aspect, though. :P x
ReplyDeleteAw that's a shame, sounds like you'd benefit more from herbs that are quite hardy. I'm from Australia, so I know your heat-related struggles. :) x
ReplyDeleteThanks for the inspiration, Nikki! Looks like you've got a nice herb set-up there. :) x
ReplyDeleteNo more excuses, girl! Get out there and get your photo shoot done (says the girl who constantly makes excuses haha). x
ReplyDeleteThose are my two biggest goals this month - hopefully I do well. :) x
ReplyDeleteThat's it, Sandra! Even little things like that! I'm sure that stepping out in to the sun for even a few minutes would make us both feel a little bit more at peace (is that weird?). x
ReplyDeleteYes, Blair! I absolutely love how happy I feel when I'm out in the sun. x
ReplyDeleteI made a simple apple pie-type-thing the other weekend and it made me feel all kinds of cozy. :) Definitely a good time for it if you're in Winter right now. :) x
ReplyDeleteAww, Chelf. You're too cute, thanks girl! I've been doing pretty well with getting to the gym lately; hopefully I can keep it up! x
ReplyDeleteThank you so much! It's always inspiring to see how much you've got achieved. :) x
ReplyDeleteAhahahahaha story of my life, girl. Story of my damn life. :P x
ReplyDeleteI definitely agree with you! Looking after yourself is so important, I wish I didn't neglect to do so. x