Aside from setting myself a bunch of Christmas break plans that I guess you could technically call goals, one week in to January, and I haven't set myself a specific set for the month yet. Although I set myself two main goals to focus on this year, I believe that setting yourself a few smaller monthly goals leads to you getting more shit done, and having a fulfilled year.
Firstly, though let's see how I went with my December goals:
Make life plans for 2015
This was the big one for me. I really wanted to figure out exactly where I wanted my life to be heading, and I think I've got it all planned out, and set in to motion now.
Make fun plans for New Year's Eve that include both my boyfriend and my best friend
*Dun dun* Although i really, really tried to make plans, it just didn't come together. I did spent NYE with both my best friend and my boyfriend, we didn't have a plan of any sort and just winged it.
Get all my Christmas shopping done BEFORE December 10
Okay, I got it done ON December 10, but that still counts as a success in my book.
Leave the frustrations from work at work
This header should probably be whatever hideous colour red and green make. Brown, maybe? I wasn't as relaxed as I would have liked to have been, but I definitely made the effort to not be as moody towards Jesse and I think I accomplished this somewhat.
Curb the unnecessary spending
This one I'm so very proud of. I did it, people! I stopped buying junk food for lunch all the time, I didn't open an online shopping window, I didn't even buy anything at the Boxing Day sales! With my happy little Christmas bonuses, my bank account's looking that much happier already.
I think 4 out of 5 successfully completed goals is the best I've ever done in any month. Let's see how I go with my January ones.

Alright, I know I've been going on for months now about my bedroom storage re-vamp project, and in truth, I haven't even looked at Ikea's site, but I'm determined to get a shoe/make-up storage area like the ones I've been obsessing over preferably during my break, but at least sometime this month.
Get active:
I had a gym membership because I thought paying money every month for it would motivate me to go. Turns out, that was a no. I've recently cancelled the waste of money that was my membership which was fine, but since Ive had to quit playing netball, I just don't feel good anymore because I'm not taking care of myself with exercise and clean eating. I sit at a desk all day, then I go home and lay in bed and you know what? I've gone up almost two pant sizes. Furrrrrrkkkkkk! Although I just cannot bring myself to go to the gym, I definitely do have time to work out at home, just like I used to. I'd also like to start looking in to yoga classes.
Donate old clothes:
In addition to my storage re-vamp project, I need to go through all my clothes and donate anything I don't wear or that no longer fits me. I literally have no room left for anything else.
Apply for a passport:
Despite my debilitating fear of planes, I'd love to go travelling. I think I use the fact that I don't have a passport as an excuse, as such, not to have to hop on a plane. No more excuses, ya wuss.
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