As a human with skin, and her own set of oh-so-joyous issues with said skin, I know the importance of a good skin care ritual. I mean, skin care should be an essential part of everyone's daily routine. I'd even go as far to say that it's as, if not more, important as that make-up routine that you stick to day in and day out as if it were scripture. It's a big statement to make, I know.
I truly believe that the skin gets used to any product after a while, and I'm convinced that it’s beneficial to change the products you use regularly. Lately, I've been using Jurlique*. I've actually been a fan of Jurlique for years now. It's kind of embarrassing that it has taken me so long to actually bring their products in to my daily rotation (Shoutout to my Winter saviour, Rose Moisture Plus Moisturising Cream).
On that note, I thought I'd share a quick little 6 step skin ritual video with you all today, courtesy of the somewhat new-found love in my life. Because I'm all about helping others. Karma and all that.
Click here to view the video

What is your skincare ritual?

*I was asked to share this video on behalf of Jurlique in exchange for a small fee. However, all comments and opinions expressed are 100% my own. I would never promote anything to my readers that I do not 100% believe in.
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