In case you hadn't noticed, it's been a hot minute (read: 6 months!) since I've published a "My Month on Instagram" post and the reason for that would be because I HAVEN'T TAKEN ANY PHOTOS IN ABOUT THAT LONG, which is absolutely shameful. I even ended up setting myself a "post to Instagram" goal last month. Hint: I failed.
Don't get me wrong, I use Instagram every single day. I scroll through my feed religiously. I like photos, I watch stories and Istalk comment but I just don't have any content to publish anymore.
Don't get me wrong, I use Instagram every single day. I scroll through my feed religiously. I like photos, I watch stories and I
So, I thought I would post the pitiful amount of photos that I did publish over the past 6 months as a last ditch effort to motivate me to get back in to the swing of posting, or even just taking photos to begin with, at least semi-regularly:
I also did the same with my "night out" (higher end) make-up and skincare too. Full post here for you to judge read.
I was so excited to get this kitchen décor up on the wall when we first moved in to our new house. It added a much needed hit of "life" to our then impersonal house. To this day, I still get a whiff of the coffee beans as I was past.
Perth has an annual event called Kaleidoscope, in which a bunch of light installations and features are set up and free for the public to peruse. This is my favourite shot from the event and it wasn't even a display piece, just an arty lantern, lighting the path.
If you didn't know that I think turmeric lattes are the bees knees, did you even know me at all?
I do enjoy me a good flatlay or two. This particular one showcases all I got in my collective birthday beauty haul.
I'm not one for New Year resolutions, but I'd definitely like to make the effort to be more active on Instagram in 2018.
I love finding pretty new feeds to follow on Instagram; leave your account deets in the comments, or come find me: @christieee__x