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Thursday, January 1, 2015

2015 Goals

I think new year's resolutions are overrated, who's with me? 
I mean, majority of us set ourselves one solid resolution or a multitude of unrealistic goals and we let ourselves down two months in to the year. Every. Single. Year.

Personally, I think a more realistic approach to the new year is to set two or three quality goals to focus your energy on. That's what I'll be doing for 2015 - setting myself two quality, attainable goals in which I can set my sights on and work hard to achieve. Pairing this with my smaller monthly goals, I plan on having a fulfilled 2015.

The Blog
In the new year I'm going to be focusing more on, and re-committing to my blog, which I'm pumped for. I've got a few small(ish) things I'd like to change around here to help improve the overall quality and following of Christie's Take on Life.

Collaborate: One of the things I realized most this year is how much I love writing and working with other bloggers, brands and small business owners. One of my goals for 2015 is to partner more with people who share my vision.

Connect: I've met some amazing people the past year thanks to blogging. I'd like to I'd like to join chats on Twitter, and reach out to new people to form new relationships as well as connect more with my regular blogging friends. I'd especially love to meet some more Australian bloggers! 

Additions: This is one I've been putting off for a while, but this year I'll be downloading an SEO plugin and switching over to Disqus for comments. I've also been tossing up wether I should pay for a custom domain name. I figure that if I want to be taken seriously as a blogger, I shouldn't have this blogspot.com thing going on.

Advertise: I want to get serious about promoting my blog and sharing my writing with others. Specifically, I'd like to connect with other bloggers and start advertising on their space. I'm also going to set up a proper advertisement page and begin allowing bloggers to advertise on mine. 

My Career
I'm going to make 2015 the year I focus on about pursing my event planning and management dreams.  I do enjoy my secretarial job very much, but it's not what I'm passionate about. I've been stuck in this same routine for the same four years and I am sooo ready for a change; A place that gives me ample opportunity to live my life and be exactly who I want to be.

This year I will be working hard on developing and improving my skills and knowledge, update the bomb-diggity out of my resume, and seek my butt off for a career in event management. Although there undoubtedly is not much of a market for that kind of thing here in Perth, I am determined to make it happen because after all, I am the creator of my own destiny and it's time that I take a stand for what I want out of life. To start fighting for my dreams. To make what I desire a reality and wake up every morning with a smile because I'm doing what I love.

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