If I could just direct your attention to my advertise/PR page for just a moment..
That's right. Christie's Take on Life has finally become a big girl blog, complete with advertisement opportunities for bloggers alike.
I've been meaning to get on to this side of blogging for months now (read: I meant to do this over a year ago but was too lazy to set it all up), but setting it as one of my goals for the month has really motivated and gotten me excited about taking that next step with the ol' blogaroo.
The blogging community really is a wonderful place, filled with gorgeous people; I just can't wait to work with ALL THE BLOGGERS. So, as an introductory offer, I am offering 15% off of all ads purchased this month. Just enter the promo code
at the checkout. Valid until July 11, 2015.
I'd like to take the time out to thank my beautiful, loyal readers who have continued to help and support me throughout my whole blogging journey.
Here's to moving forward. Chin chin.